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Teamviewer free does not allow connections to customize

RDCMan is a free tool which can be downloaded from the Microsoft website. RDCMan helps these individuals by consolidating multiple RDP connections into a single window, thus reducing desktop clutter. This includes system administrators, lab managers, developers and testers. The tool is especially useful for individuals who work with groups of computers or large server farms where regular access to each machine is required. Using RDCMan, system administrators can supervise multiple RDP connections in a single window, use different RDP settings for separate servers or groups and save user credentials, allowing for automatic authentication on RDP and remote desktop service servers. It was created by a developer on the Windows Live Experience team to improve the management of multiple remote desktop protocol connections.

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Remote Desktop Connection Manager is a tool that enables information technology administrators to organize, group and control remote desktop connections. What is Remote Desktop Connection Manager?

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Learn about the Remote Desktop Protocol, which can help network administrators remotely access a user's system to diagnose and fix a problem, and provides remote users access to their devices. Other options include MultiDesk, which emphasizes security and only enables a connection after the user confirms a shared piece of information, and mRemoteNG, which is open source. Another alternative is the Terminals Remote Desktop Client, which is available on CodePlex.

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Other alternatives to RDCMan include Remote Desktop Manager Standard Edition from Devolutions, which offers Windows PowerShell support and integrates with Microsoft Azure. Microsoft encourages users to migrate to the free Microsoft Remote Desktop app (which runs the Microsoft Terminal Services Client) or the Remote Desktop Connection tool that is built into Windows. Editor's note: Microsoft discontinued its Remote Desktop Connection Manager application in March 2020 after the discovery of a major security flaw.

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